What score do I need to pass my competency exams?
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Written by Trusted Care Team
Updated over a week ago

It is a Trusted and Joint Commission requirement that all Trusted Nurses and Allied Health Professionals achieve a passing score on general and specialty-specific competency exams in order to be compliant for an assignment.
Competency exams must be completed annually and must remain up to date throughout the duration of employment.

What if I do not pass an exam?

Please let us know that you need the exam to be resent by sending a message to your Care Team through Inbox. We can send you the exam up to 3 times.

Do I need to upload the completed exam to my profile?

You can upload the PDF version of the Relias exams to your profile or they will be uploaded within a few days of completion by our team.

What is the passing score?

The score must be an 80% or higher than the modified Angoff score.

What if I cannot pass?

You do need to pass all of the exams and meet the facility's required test score in order to complete your onboarding.

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