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How Trusted Works
How it Works
Does the information I upload to my Trusted profile stay secure and private?
Does the information I upload to my Trusted profile stay secure and private?

How Trusted goes above and beyond to protect your private information.

Trusted Care Team avatar
Written by Trusted Care Team
Updated over a week ago

We know a thing or two about HIPAA and we treat your privacy just as seriously as you treat your patients. We want to make it clear how we use your data. We’re not here to sell or share your personal information to recruiters or salespeople- we’re here to provide information, services, and opportunities to you. We will not disclose any personally identifiable information you provide to us to any third party, except as follows:

  1. If you give us explicit consent.

  2. We use affiliated and unaffiliated service providers that help us deliver our service and run our business subject to strict confidentiality agreements. These services are for things like customer support, digital analytics, and marketing. These companies are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us.

  3. If we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants or legal processes served on us.

If you have questions or want us to delete your personal data, please contact our support team. For more information, check out our Privacy Policy.

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