How do I add in my work experience?

How to add in your professional and clinical experience to your profile.

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Written by Trusted Care Team
Updated over a week ago

Use your Trusted profile to showcase your clinical experience! You can add multiple positions per employer. That's right, multiple positions. We understand you may have worked in various units and roles during your tenure at a facility, and have made it easy yet comprehensive to reflect this in your profile and résumé.

For each work experience entry, you'll add both the facility and position information.

Add Place of Employment

First things first, make sure you're on your Profile.

In the work experience section, click Add more work experience to fill out your specific clinical experience.

Start by selecting the facility type. Then add in the facility name. As you start typing, we'll try our best to auto-complete this, so if you see it on the list, just click on it.

❗ If it is a travel assignment you will still use the facility name and indicate the type of position in the next step.

You may also see this will auto-complete the facility location.

❗ If you don't see your facility listed in the drop-down menu, reach out to your Care Team through Inbox. We will need to add the facility to our system before you are able to add it to your work experience. Please let us know the name and address of the facility.

If the employer type is a clinical-hospital, extra fields will show below Positions such as magnet hospital, teaching facility, trauma center, and hospital bed count.

But wait, you're not done just yet. Continue down below to add positions.

Add Your Position Info

Next, let's add your position details for this place of employment.

Unit & Specialties. Start typing in the type of Unit and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the correct unit. 

Common specialties for that unit will automatically populate for you! You can always add additional ones or delete any that do not fit your personal experience! To delete, simply click on the Delete (trash) button.

Position Title. Start typing your roll and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the position title that reflects your role in the unit.

Employment Classification. Specify whether you were staff, part-time, travel, or per diem employee here. If you select travel, another drop-down menu will appear for you to indicate the agency you work with while traveling.

Employment Dates. Specify your start and end dates for this position/unit within this employer. This can vary between multiple positions, and we allow a way for you to reflect this in your profile/résumé.

Unit Bed Count, Nurse to Patient Ratio, Charge Experience. You know what's up ;)

Technology. Specify the EMRs and technology you used. Start typing the name and a drop-down menu will appear. Select all the appropriate options!

Hours Worked. This is where you will indicate on average how many hours you worked per week.

Description. Be brief yet concise when adding a description to your position. Since you are partnering with clinicians, no need to add in any routing responsibilities typically associated with the role and unit. This should be a place where you indicate anything that is not assumed part of your clinical experience. This will show up cleanly as • bullet points on your profile/résumé. Click, Enter to add a new line and ultimately create a new bullet point. 

That wasn't too bad, right? From here, you can click Save to continue building your profile.

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