In order to stay up to date on all of your applications, we have made it easy to view your application statuses!
How do I view my application status?
You can view your active and draft application at any point!
Click on
Click on the
tabHere you'll see all of your active & drafted applications!
What do the different statuses mean?
Job Offer - you have an offer! Hooray!
Action Required: Unable to Submit - we have received your application, but there is a hold and we need you to resolve something associated with your Profile, credentials, time off requests, etc. in order to get you submitted!
Submitted to Facility - we have received your application and have submitted it to the hiring manager for review!
Pending Trusted Review - we have received your application and are actively working on reviewing it! The application has neither been submitted to the hiring manager nor placed on hold.
Draft Application - you have started the application for a Match, but have yet to submit it for Trusted review.