You can easily browse ALL of the Matches for your role and specialty through popular categories. Popular categories allow you to browse all of the jobs without updating your Match filters. And who knows you might find a job at a facility or location that you originally didn't think of adding to your Match filters!
Navigate to your Matches, and scroll down to the popular categories section.
Highest Paying Job. $$ talks! Browse all of the highest-paying jobs for your role and specialty.
Compact States. Have a compact license or thinking about applying for one? You can use this category to browse all of the jobs for your role and specialty that are located in one of the participating compact states! This is only available for nurses.
Earliest Start Date. Looking to start ASAP? You can use this category to browse all of the jobs for your role and specialty that are looking for clinicians to start ASAP!
β Popular categories will show you all of the Matches for your role and specialty. They do not take into consideration any of your other Match filters.
What is the difference between categories and sorting my Matches?
Your Matches are based on your Match filters, therefore soring your Matches will order your Matches by what is important to you.
Whereas popular categories do not take into consideration your Match filters. You are able to browse all of the open jobs for your role and specialty for each category.
How do I sort my Matches?
Sorting options include the highest pay, earliest start date, or Matches that have been recently added! To sort your Matches, click the Drop down menu
β You can only sort the Matches under the additional opportunities section. You cannot sort your top Matches.
To sort the Matches, click Sort
to open the drop-down menu.
Select the sorting option of your choice!