Yes! At Trusted Health, travel should be both exciting and fulfilling. That's why we offer you to travel with a companion or as part of a team. Whether you're looking to explore a new city, gain valuable experience, or simply have fun, we have you covered them.
Here's how it works: You and your friend(s) can create your Trusted Health profiles and apply for the same job. Once you've been accepted, you'll be able to travel and work together, providing each other with support, safety, and friendship. And don't worry if you have more than one friend β we accept Travel Pairs of all sizes!
We need to understand the dynamics of the pair so a few things we need to consider:
Are you both the same specialty?
Are they both qualified for the job with similar years of experience?
Are you willing to accept an assignment only if they both receive an offer?
Just let us know when you're ready to apply, and we'll assign you both to the same Nurse Advocate. For more tips on how to successfully travel as a pair, be sure to check out our blog post.