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How do I continue benefits after my contract ends? Is COBRA coverage offered?
How do I continue benefits after my contract ends? Is COBRA coverage offered?

All things COBRA coverage

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Written by Trusted Care Team
Updated this week

How do I continue benefits after my contract ends? Is COBRA coverage offered?

All things COBRA coverage:

When will my existing benefits with Trusted end?

Your benefits will continue to be active through the end of the month in which your contract ends, at no additional cost to you. Please note that if you start a new placement within 30 days of the end of your previous placement, you will be re-enrolled into your same benefits effective the first day of your new placement. If you had previously waived benefits, that action will also carry over.

For example, if your contract ends on July 4th, 2020, your benefits will stay active until July 31st, 2020. You will have benefits deductions on your final paycheck, but for the rest of the month, your benefits will be paid for by Trusted Health!

What are my options after my existing benefits end?

Once your benefits are no longer active, you will be able to continue your coverage with COBRA through our broker Discovery. To be eligible for COBRA coverage, you must have been enrolled in benefits while you were working. You will receive a COBRA packet in the mail from Discovery to the address we have on file in ADP within 7 to 14 days after your contract ends.

How do I receive more information about COBRA?

If you would like to receive your COBRA information via email after your assignment end date, please reach out to your Care Team for assistance by sending a new message in Inbox and we can send the digital COBRA packet to you.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 generally requires employers with 20+ employees to provide for the continuation of group health coverages following the loss of active employee benefits coverage.

If you elect COBRA, you will continue to have access to your benefits as if you remained actively eligible. Deductibles won’t reset until the new plan year, etc. The difference is your cost for coverage because our contribution is no longer applied toward your premium cost of coverage.

Who is eligible?

You and any enrolled dependents at the time of loss of coverage/termination. However, if a domestic partner was enrolled at the time of the event, they are only able to enroll if the member also chooses to continue COBRA.

What can help with COBRA costs?

  • Health Savings Account funds are eligible to cover the cost of COBRA premiums.

  • Individual marketplace options are also available if you decide not to continue with COBRA coverage. You may also qualify for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

How long can someone stay enrolled in COBRA?

In general, COBRA coverage lasts up to 18 months unless you meet the criteria below.

Coverage lasts up to 36 months for the following qualifying events:

  • Divorce or legal separation from the employee

  • Employee becoming entitled to Medicare

  • When a child loses dependent child status under the plan

  • When any qualified beneficiary experiences two qualifying events

Coverage can last 29 months for all of a family's qualified beneficiaries (non-domestic partner) if one of the qualifying beneficiaries in a family is disabled.

When is COBRA enrollment/decision due?

  • 60 days from the termination date (or date of notice, whichever is later) to enroll in COBRA.

  • We work with Discovery Benefits to administer COBRA.

  • 45 days from the date you sign the election form to catch up on premiums. All back premiums must be paid so there is no lapse in coverage.

  • Ongoing premiums are due on the 1st of each month. Make sure payment arrives before the due date. Discovery Benefits has snail mail options and online payment options and instructions are provided in the election packet.

  • Most insurance carriers do not send COBRA billing statements. It is your responsibility to pay premiums on time.

  • 30-day grace period to pay premiums.

How much does COBRA cost?

If I start another assignment with Trusted, how do I re-enroll in Trusted's benefits?

It depends on the length of time between your previous placement and your new placement. Please see our gap article for more details!

How do I cancel my COBRA enrollments?

You will need to contact Discovery directly at 866-451-3399! If you have any questions about canceling your COBRA enrollment, please reach out to your Care Team for assistance by sending a new message in Inbox.

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